Cause Photography
An effort to make a difference
Portfolio - Sea Life
The Big Yawn - A painted frogfish. Indo-Pacific Ocean. This carnivore is capable of ingesting prey of roughly its' own size due to their jaw hinging. Available as prints & greeting cards.
Tasseled scorpionfish - Scorpionfish are masters of camouflage. The raised spines are venomous and can cause death with significant contact. Available as prints or greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar.
Magnificent Glass - Magnificent glass anemone shrimp. Often referred to as cleaner shrimp as they have a cleaning symbiosis with their "client" fish. They feed on mucus, parasites, and plankton dead skin. Available as prints or greeting cards.
Simply Red - Paddle-flap scorpionfish, Indo-Pacific Ocean. Seen with numerous color variations. Available as prints & greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar
Hi There - A balloonfish photographed in the Sea of Cortez. Thought to produce tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin, rendering them ineditable. Available as prints or greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar
Clowning Around - Anemonefish in one of their typical environments. Available as prints or greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar and one of the best selling greeting cards.
Awaiting Goliath - A poison ocellate octopus , Indo-Pacific Ocean. This small cephalopod ( no more than 6" high), is timid yet poisonous; their bite quickly causes death if untreated. Available as prints or greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar.
Time in a Bottle - Yellow pygmy gobies. Fully grown at about an inch in length, they often live in discarded bottles; rarely straying from their homes. Available as prints & greeting cards. Included in the 2020 calendar.
Commerson's frogfish - Also referred to as a giant frogfish. Coloration is highly variable and slowly changes to match their background. Available as prints or greeting cards.
Peacock mantis shrimp - One of the larger shrimp with club like apandages that srike with the speed of a .22 caliber bullet. Available as prints or greeting cards.
Eye of the Sole: A blotched sole, one of many species of flatfish. All flatfish are thought to be right sided. The cover photo for the 2020 calendar. Available as prints & greeting cards.
Roomies: Magnificent shrimpgoby and a red banded pistol shrimp share a borrow. The shrimp digs the hole and the goby acts as lookout. Available as a print or greeting card.
Leaf scorpionfish - Indo-Pacific Ocean. This fish often mimics its' is namesake and preys on the unsuspecting passersby. Available as prints and greeting cards.